yeah, this was a dumb idea.
shit second pass - red:
piss second pass - red:
inch, half inch, quarter... down to one sixty fourths of an inch:
working with the grids and colour... something kinda nice about the hand drawn grid... each colour at the sixty fourths of an inch:
red at 1/16 inch:
add blue at 1/32 inch:
then yellow between the red and blue:
all the colours at sixty fourths:
still a pretty wee drawing, this is just two inches square.
again with the postal strike (which for me a mere inconvenience really) i kinda held off ordering books, though only a couple of these came by post and oddly, the post ones burned me pretty bad at customs...
enzo mari, woflgang laib, callum innes and a copy of agnes martin night sea to be included with the sale of my lower case g piece.
the callum innes book is a real burn unfortunately, really really nice paintings, but the book only shows details of all but one piece, and there's like fifty pieces(!) don't know why they did that.
a shit book of really nice paintings. i will keep the book though, to remind me of how important composition is even if it's just a central form on a page.
my two copies of night sea... pretty different, think the new one is closer...?
more and more this is feeling like a bad idea.
... but, with the six all laid out, i guess i am kinda getting somewhere.
i think i made a mistake... these are pretty hard and they take a long time to do.
oh well, it's kinda important to see those little pattern patches from 1189 bigger... think they'll read more as fields or textures... maybe...?
piss is a little tricky because it's the only word with a descender (p), so i have to lead it a bit.
as interesting as it is to see the patterns bumped right up against each other (entry 1189), i think it'll be nice to see each word pattern isolated/separated.
and some days are all about the grids.
it's a 7 by 8 1/2 inch grid of 3/32 inch squares on a 8 by 9 1/2 inch page.
it's a stack of six for the rest of the seven words in four colour.
the monopoly houses are an odd thing... i guess.
now that the postal strike is over i can get back to finding "useless" things on ebay (maybe there's a use?)
pretty good haul, though i have no "use" for the hotels and not all the houses are the houses i'm looking for.
it's a pretty specific house, as near as i can tell, it's from a specific time period (don't know) of canadian monopoly.
there are actually two "models" which i collect - two shades of green and slightly different door/windows...
i got 103 and 84 "useable" houses from the lot.
and then i got this little pack in the mail today (which is weird). i think generally a monopoly game comes with around 40 houses and 12 hotels?
some day i'll count them all. there's kinda a lot.
i just looked it up, these houses go way back to entry 84 (2013).
i'm fully aware that it's kinda odd... but i'm making my own index cards.
i ran out, but i use them all the time and you can't just pop over to the grand and toy and by a bunch cause there just isn't a grand and toy store anymore so you have to order them and... it's "a thing" now and it didn't use to be "a thing" at all.
eight on a page... just pencil lines, but the red and blue i have are a little bright so each colour line has a 4h pencil line over top.
... it did make me wonder what would happen if i made a stack of one hundred, so:
don't know what it is or what it means... if anything.
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